1944 Battle of the Bulge

        Throughout the fall, Adolph Hitler had been putting the finishing touches on a large offensive designed to cut through the Allied armies at the lightly defended Ardennes Forest sector, hoping to repeat the success he had enjoyed against the French in 1940 in the same area..  The sector was considered a rest area and was lightly defended by the Americans with a mixture of worn out veteran divisions and green inexperienced divisions only recently arrived on the continent.  The goal was to capture the critical port of Antwerp, putting a serious crimp in the Allied supply situation and possibly cutting off the British Army altogether and causing a major retreat and perhaps buying another six months of time.  The attack was scheduled for bad weather in the winter to minimize Allied air support.

        Unfortunately for Hitler, Eisenhower and his staff responded to the crisis much faster than anticipated, pouring reinforcements into the sector and stopping most of the offensive by Christmas.  On January 3, the Allies began a large counterattack which erased the "Bulge" by the end of the month and continued forward to the West Wall itself.

        Below is the organization of the two armies with links to pages showing the tables of organization in game terms for each division at the time (as best as I can find).  Also there are two small counter sheets of U.S. and British units needed for these sheets.  As usual, the rest of the counters can be found at Imstrat.  Please download the zip files below for the full resolution files in pdf format.






                   US Counters.zip                                                                                                            Brit Counters.zip

               US Counter notes.pdf                         Armored Fighting Vehicles in the Bulge                   Brit Counter notes.pdf

               US Division notes.zip


Allied Army


        U.S. First Army

                Army Troops


                V Corps

                        Corps Troops

                        1st Infantry Div

                        2nd Infantry Div (from VIII Corps Dec 20)

                        9th Infantry Div (from VIII Corps Dec 18)

                        30th Infantry Div (to XVIII Corps Dec 21)

                        78th Infantry Div (to VII Corps Dec 18)

                        99th Infantry Div


                VII Corps

                        Corps Troops

                        1st Infantry Div (to V Corps Dec 16-19)

                        2nd Armored Div (from XIX Corps Dec 20-23)

                        3rd Armored Div

                        9th Infantry Div (to V Corps Dec 18)

                        78th Infantry Div (from V Corps Dec 18)

                        83rd Infantry Div (from XIX Corps Dec 26)

                        84th Infantry Div (from XIII Corps Dec 21)


                XVIII (Airborne) Corps

                        Corps Troops

                        82nd Airborne Div

                        101st Airborne Div (to VIII Corps Dec 18)

                        7th Armored Div (from VIII Corps Dec 20)

                        30th Infantry Div (from V Corps Dec 21)

                        75th Infantry Div (from Ninth Army Dec 23)


        U.S. Third Army

                Army Troops


                III Corps

                        Corps Troops

                        4th Armored Div (from XII Corps Dec 20)

                        6th Armored Div

                        26th Infantry Div (from XII Corps Dec 12)

                        35th Infantry Div (from XII Corps Dec 23-26)

                        80th Infantry Div (from XII Corps Dec 19-25)

                        90th Infantry Div (from XX Corps Jan 6)


                VIII Corps

                        Corps Troops

                        4th Infantry Div (to III Corps Dec 20)

                        9th Armored Div (CCB attached to V Corps)

                        11th Armored Div (from England 17-23 Dec)

                        17th Airborne Div (from XVIII Corps Jan 1)

                        28th Infantry Div (112 Inf Rgt to V Corps Dec 20)

                        87th Infantry Div (from XV Corps 28-29 Dec)

                        101st Airborne Div (from SHAEF reserve Dec 17)

                        106th Infantry Div (survivors to V Corps Dec 20)


                XII Corps

                        Corps Troops

                        4th Armored Div (to III Corps Dec 20)

                        4th Infantry Div (from VIII Corps Dec 21)

                        5th Infantry Div (from XX Corps Dec 21)

                        10th Armored Div (from XX Corps Dec 21-25)

                        35th Infantry Div (to III Corps Dec 23-26)

                        80th Infantry Div (to III Corps Dec 19-25)

                        87th Infantry Div (to VIII Corps Dec 29)


        British 21st Army Group


                XXX Corps

                        Corps Troops

                        Guards Armored Div

                        6th Airborne Div

                        43rd Infantry Div

                        51st Infantry Div

                        53rd Infantry Div

                        29th Armored Brigade

                        33rd Armored Brigade

                        34th Armored Brigade

German Army


        Fifth Panzer Armee

                Armee Troops


                XXXIX Panzer Korps

                        167th Volksgrenadier Div (from OKW Reserve Dec 28)

                        1st SS Panzer Div (from I SS Pz Korps Dec 28))


                XLVII Panzer Korps

                        Korps Troops

                        Panzer Lehr Div

                        2nd Panzer Div (to LVIII Panzer Korps Dec 29)

                        9th Panzer Div (to LVIII Panzer Korps Dec 29)

                        15th Panzergrenadier Div (to XLVII Korps Jan 18-20)

                        26th Volksgrenadier Div                    


                LVIII Panzer Korps                     

                        2nd Panzer Div (from XLVII Panzer Korps Dec 29)

                        9th Panzer Div (from XLVII Panzer Korps Dec 29)

                        116th Panzer Div

                        Fuhrer Escort Brigade (from LXVI Korps Dec 24)

                        560th Volksgrenadier Div


                LXVI Korps

                        Fuhrer Escort Brigade (to LVIII Panzer Korps Dec 24)

                        18th Volksgrenadier Div

                        62nd Volksgrenadier Div


        Sixth Panzer Armee

                Armee Troops

                150th Panzer Brigade


                I SS Panzer Korps

                        Korps Troops

                        1st SS Panzer Div (to XXXIX Korps Dec 28)

                        12th SS Panzer Div

                        3rd Fallshirmjager Div

                        12th Volksgrenadier Div

                        277th Volksgrnadier Div


                II SS Panzer Korps

                        2nd SS Panzer Div

                        9th SS Panzer Div


                LXVII Korps

                        Korps Troops

                        3rd Panzergrenadier Div

                        246th Volksgrenadier Div (from Armee Reserve Dec 28)

                        272nd Volksgrenadier Div

                        326th Volksgrenadier Div


        Seventh Armee

                Armee Troops


                LIII Korps

                        Fuhrer Grenadier Brigade (from OKW Reserve Dec 22)

                        15th Panzergrenadier Div (from XLVII Korps Jan 18-20)

                        5th Fallshirmjager Div (from LXXXV Korps Dec 22)

                        9th Volksgrenadier Div (from OKW Reserve Dec 22)

                        79th Volksgrenadier Div (from LXXXV Korps Jan 18-20)

                        276th Volksgrenadier Div (from LXXX Korps Jan 18)


                LXXX Korps

                        Korps Troops

                        212th Volksgrenadier Div

                        276th Volksgrenadier Div (to LIII Korps Jan 18)

                        340th Volksgrenadier Div (from Fifteenth Armee Dec 26)


                LXXXV Korps

                        Korps Troops

                        5th Fallshirmjager Div (to LIII Korps Dec 22)

                        79th Volksgrenadier Div (from Heersgruppe B Reserve Dec 22)

                        352nd Volksgrenadier Div

































































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